Support D.I.Y.


Stoa 60!

The Covid-19 pandemic forced us to suspend

indefinitely the operation of the venue.

Stoa 60 needs any financial support that each of you

can afford to help us cover part of our expenses.

Stoa 60 is a diy venue organizing live shows located in exotic Heraklion, in the island of Crete. In the 5 years of its operation,we have hosted more than 150 live acts from Greece and abroad, proving that the dream of a self organized and anti commercial venue is not a utopia for Heraklion. A dream that became reality only thanks to the solidarity and the donations of the attendants of every gig.

Unfortunately the Covid 19 pandemic has forced us to suspend our activities indefinitely, and cancel upcoming gigs which are our primary and almost exclusive source of revenue. Despite the difficulties, we feel the need to keep the space alive and ready to return to its normal operation whenever that is considered safe and possible.

Even though Stoa 60 is closed, it needs the support of each and everyone of you, in order to cover part of its expenses (rent, bills and repairs) till January. In the meantime we are trying to find other means of support, such as concerts and parties in public spaces.

For us, the return to “normality”, demands the same things as before: free spaces without bosses*, employees and customers, without sponsors and bracelets. Spaces where we can come together freely, and express ourselves without anyone profiting from our needs. Lastly, we want to make clear that any amount collected over the target specified, will be used for the support of other anti-commercial, self organized spaces and projects as an act of solidarity.

In hopes that soon we will meet again in front of the stage of our beloved basement…

Till then stay safe and keep supporting diy and self organized projects and spaces.

Stoa 60

127% of €1500

€ 1911 reached in total

SUCCESS 🔥 on 10/5/2020
