Help Fund Solidaria!

Support our effort to create an autonomous social center in Stockholm, Sweden!
We are a group of people coming from different autonomous and anarchist organizations. We are trying to start a social center with a focus on mutual aid, co-organizing with marginalized peoples against and beyond our oppressions.

Our project - Mutual Aid and Organizing

Solidaria is an under construction autonomous social center in Stockholm's commercialized, controlled and segregated environment. It started when different autonomous groups gathered in an assembly for building common movement resources. There, our group formed to do the preparatory work, get and set-up a locale.

Our goal is to have a space and resources to practice material and affective mutual aid, for people to self-organize against and beyond their oppression. We believe that mutual aid and autonomy are necessary to expand social revolutionary organizing and organizing is necessary to expand the scope of autonomy and mutual aid.

So we want Solidaria to be a relevant resource to the people most marginalized, a common free space where new initiatives can form.

Currently in Stockholm there is no capacity to squat or buy space, so we are constantly looking into rental spaces. We have recently found a rental, a large space in a neighborhood where comrades already organize.

So now we turn to comrades, local and international, to support us and finance our project! 

We need money for rent and in order to fund activities that will in the future cover our rent.

Our structure - No single group's space

All initiatives active in the space will have full autonomy as long as they are in accordance with the space's ground principles. It is no single group's space. There will be a regular assembly for all groups through which the space will be administered, new initiatives will be approved, and we will be able to undertake common actions or write common texts as Solidaria's assembly.

Some basic initiatives we want the space for are

- solidarity kitchen and an always stuffed fridge

- neighborhood outreach

- non-commercial café

- materials for formal and informal cooperatives

What we have managed - Vision, Fundraising, Connections

Even though we don't have a space yet we actively develop relations with different anti-authoritarian political initiatives of workers, migrants, and others. 

We have fundraised and we keep fundraising, developing and trying to develop structures and arrangements for financing our future rent and other expenses. 

We have started political initiatives and planned some with other groups which will be housed in Solidaria.

We have searched for spaces and we have now found a possible one.

We hope that the international pro-revolutionary community will support us to get housed and organize!

142% of €2200

€ 3125 reached in total

-734 days left