What is the current situation in the Czech Republic?
2015: the first housing solidarity network was established, known as Sdílené domy (Shared Houses), taking inspiration from the German Mietshäuser Syndikat
2021: the first housing project from Prague became a part of this network
2023 our collective Racek joined, being the second housing project in Czechia. Our house is in Děčín, which is located in a region structurally affected by coal mining and struggling with, among other things, inequality and lack of access to health care
The roof
The House
Why are there so few housing projects in Czechia?
The situation in Czechia as well as in Eastern Europe in general, differs significantly from that of countries like Germany or Western Europe.
Firstly, the historical factors: The legacy of the communist regime has made cooperative ventures or other forms of shared ownership less popular.
Secondly, the legal system varies: Crafting the necessary bureaucratic structure and statutes to align with the ideological goals of such cooperatives has proven challenging. As a result, unconventional forms of cooperatives make them less reputable and trustworthy.
Consequently, obtaining loans from traditional banks for collective house is not possible. Moreover, ethical banking institutions are virtually absent. This situation leaves housing projects reliant on direct loans from friends and family, as well as their own resources. Adding to the complexity, many people in Czechia are poor. One million people out of ten live in poverty. The average wage is 1849 USD/month and inflation in March 2023 was 15.0 %. Prices of rent are increasing as well as cost of real estate which makes the whole situation even worse.
Who we are and what we want to do:
We are 9 people from mid 20s to mid 30s that have met together during their life endeavors, varying from climate through feminist to generally leftist movement.
We do and plan to do:
- building a space where people can live, meet, talk, eat, learn and create
- practicing solidarity, equality, empowerment on daily basis
- supporting sustainable and ecological way of life
- organizing cultural, educational, culinar, interdisciplinary and fun events
- creating network with other house projects in the country as well as abroad
- support the social movement in Czechia and Eastern Europe by providing the space
Thank you very much for any help! If you have any questions about the project, you can email us at [email protected] or come and visit in Děčín!
members of the co-op Racek
Housing is a right, not a privilege!!!
19% of €3500
€ 695 reached in total
-432 days left