Last year, Anarchist Bookfair Malmö gave us hope, strength, new ideas and a diversity of tactics to keep on struggling for another world. This year we want to make this happen again.
We are right now in the starting of the preparations for the Anarchist Bookfair Malmö 2019 and we want to fill it with book presentations, panel-debate, lectures, workshops, stalls, talks, meetings, food, music, etc.
Although we wish for the bottom of our hearts that we do not need to use the capitalist system that we are under, we need contributions to make this bookfair happen.
There is still some room for those who want to talk about any interesting theme or bring their material here! Just get in contact here!
We want to have the bookfair as a free entrance place and stalls without cost where knowledge can be shared.
Now we ask for donations to cover the costs of material like posters, flyers, rent for the venue, food, transport, and unexpected stuff.
Our main goal is to gather 800 € So we have a budget to pay for the venue, flyers, some transport costs etc.
If we manage to gather 1000€ we could pay the tickets for all the comrades coming to do lectures.
If the amount of money is over what we expected, is going to be shared with other projects and for the futures bookfairs.
Last years excess was given to our Anarchist meeting place Majkällaren which holds an anarchist library, letter-writing evenings, talks and meetings for different groups.

Together we are the Malmös Anarchist Bookfair
100% of €800
€ 802 reached in total
-2131 days left