Matheus Machado is a brazilian tattoo artist, anarcho-communist and revolutionary militant, that took part in the recent protests against Bolsonaro in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. Actively participating in the first line of protestors, he got arrested in the third round of street manifestations after being identified and snatched by infiltrated police officers, known in. Brazil as 'P2'.

In his backpack, the police only found a police helmet. But prosecutors are pushing forward, without any proof, four crimes against Matheus: physical assault, property damage, arson and theft. He is being accused of setting a bank on fire, destroying a metro station, assaulting a metro security guard and stolen his helmet.
The protest, that happened in 3 of July past year (also known as the "3J'), was the most agressive against Bolsonaro's government since the beginning of the manifestations. Matheus took part in the bloc that became known as "Bloco Combativo", gathering the most radical militants. This bloc was responsible for the destruction of banks and police vehicles, for erecting barricades in the main streets of São Paulo and engaging with police and security guards.
Comrade Machado remained 11 days arrested, in the Belém II prison facility, under severe conditions. A giant campaign emerged from his prison, demanding imediate freedom and labeling his prison as a political one.
He also got arrested 5 years ago, in 2016, at another protest in São Paulo, but this time against the rise in bus fares. For this reason, he remained imprisioned for 3 days. Since then, Matheus got recognized and organized part of the the radical wing of the antifascist scene in São Paulo, bringing together a significant group of black bloc adepts around him. And because of this, and mainly because of his underground activities with this group, he got identified and informally labeled as a "leader".
In a free pending trial, he is now prohibited from attending political events, obeying curfew and other restrictions, facing criminal charges that can put him in jail for 10 years or more, for physical assault (3 months to 1 year), theft (2 to 4 years), arson (3 to 6 years), public and private property damage (4 months to 8 years). Besides the possible fines and the risk of going to jail, there is also another investigation going on, to find and prosecute other militants from the Bloco Combativo that participated in the direct actions in São Paulo. With the help from ABIN (the Brazilian Intelligence Agency) and the PF (Federal Police), the president is measuring no efforts to catch and punish the tougher part of the resistance against him.
The results from this investigation could perfectly fit the Bolsonaro's objective to create a boogyeman, a scapegoat for him in order to remain in power.
This year, the most important election of the history of Brazil will take place in October. The risk of more prisons or investigations against the radical wing of the Bolsonaro's oppostition is growing bigger each and every day.
For this reason, we need to be prepared to face any circumstances, and to be fully prepared, we need money.
The funds from this campaign will be used to:
- Covering of attorney and other legal/procedural expenses.
- Covering of possible fines or prison support in a conviction case scenario.
- Financial support for the activities of the Bloco Combativo and the anarchist/communist militants aligned with comrade Machado.
- And also, financial support for the antifascist movement in São Paulo for this year activities, that is an election year, and very likely a violent year in the streets.
You can see some of his work in his Instagram profile @machado.ttt. Among other reasons, comrade Machado became recognized by mixing radical art with radical politics, delivering pieces like these:
To support the brazilian prosecuted revolutionaries is support the Brazilian Revolution!
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