Støt mobiliseringen for et frit Palæstina

Support the mobilization of a free Palestine

We are currently witnessing the settler colonial state of Israel committing a genocide on the population of Gaza. At the time of writing, the occupying power has murdered more than 15’000 Palestinians in Gaza, including more than 6.500 children. Israel continues committing war crimes and turning a blind eye to international law, while bombing and raiding civilian targets such as hospitals, schools and refugee camps, cutting off food, clean water, internet and electricity and forcibly displacing around 70 % of the entire population of Gaza. Meanwhile attacks and violence by armed Israeli settlers and IOF soldiers in the West Bank rises with at least 229 being killed since the 7th of October, 48 of them children. 

The escalating violence and killing continues without consequences for the Israeli state. Despite Israel's violent and illegal siege of Gaza, as well as the continued bombing of civilian targets, the Western governments, including the Danish, continue to stand behind the Israeli occupation force.

The Danish Government has even blocked the annual development aid to Palestine and refrained from voting for a ceasefire in the UN. 

We believe that a broad popular mobilization against Israel's genocide of the Palestinian people is necessary to oppose the government's political line. That is why we have been part of organizing  demonstrations, with the demand for a ceasefire and emergency aid to Gaza. We will continue mobilizing and organizing demonstrations, actions and education on the Palestinian cause. Our fight does not end with the end of Israel’s massive bombardments on Gaza, we will keep fighting for an end to the Israeli occupation and colonization of Palestine. To continue this fight and organize in all possible ways for a free Palestine we need financial support. 

We need you to help us ensure that we can create an even bigger movement in Denmark opposing the genocide and the ongoing ethnic cleansing of Palestine. 

So chip in and let the struggle for a free Palestine grow bigger and more powerful every day.

Free Palestine!

195% of €2000

€ 3911 reached in total

SUCCESS 🔥 on 12/21/2023

Stop Annekteringen Af Palæstina/IF's Palestine Group

The International Forum (IF) was established as an anti-imperialist solidarity organization in 1971 as part of the worldwide internationalist and anti-imperialist movement. IF commits to support the struggles of oppressed people. It is therefore, and since its establishment, that IF has organized direct actions of solidarity with the Palestinian people who have been exposed to all forms of oppression by the Israeli colonial settler-state, the Zionist movement and its allies since the arrival of the first Zionist settler by the early 19th century.

Building on the years of experience within IF and in close collaboration with political allies and comrades from the organization, the IF Palestine Group will continue its work for a free Palestine.

Values and principles

We are committed to justice and dignity for the Palestinian people and their right to fight the occupation. We believe it is our duty to fight oppression and exploitation wherever it ramps and that freedom, self determination and justice is the right of all people in the world. We want to amplify our voices and resistance against the Israeli occupation and build consistent international solidarity and networks. We will act with determination against the Israeli occupation in cooperation with all those who believe in the same values in order to support the Palestinian people in their struggle with all necessary means.