Let’s FREE THE SOIL from synthetic fertilizers!

Free The Soil is a newly- started campaign to expose the devastating practices and impacts of industrial agriculture and the major role that synthetic fertilizers play in the escalating climate crisis.

Free The Soil calls to action by organizing an Agriculture and Climate Justice Camp and a Mass Action of civil disobedience in September 2019.

We need to expose the agro-industrial companies as climate destroyers

In order to let the camp and action come to life, we are in need of your financial support. Make our action safe and successful.
Make our camp colorful and well-equipped.

Join us for our Agriculture & Climate Justice Camp and our Mass Action!

The Camp

We plan an Agriculture and Climate Justice Camp from September, 19-25.

During this week we will get together in a safe and inclusive space to educate ourselves, share our knowledge, experiences, emotions and our power! The camp will be a place for exploring alternatives to industrial agriculture and practicing other ways of living in opposition to capitalist society. It will also be possibility to connect our various struggles of resistance. We want to create a space for collective dreaming of and acting towards a better world.

The action

We plan an act of mass civil disobedience, using our bodies and our collective determination to close down one of Europe’s biggest nitrogen-fertilizer production plants - YARA’s production site in Brunsbüttel (North Germany near Hamburg).

We will act out against capitalist-driven and destructive agricultural systems that destroy land, livelihoods and our climate. We want to stop the destruction where it is happening, dismantle the false legitimacy of the multinational agricultural companies and expose them as climate destroyers.

We believe that direct action is needed NOW if we are to limit global warming and keep it below 1.5°C. We need to take action into our own hands and move beyond public protest and political negotiation to act in self defense against the profit driven capitalist system that is destroying the planet we live on and and the soil we eat from!

What’s wrong with industrial agriculture?!

Following colonial patterns , more and more land is taken away from small-scale farmers and peasants around the world to be used for monocultural production, producing crops for sale on the global market. Most of these products are used for bio-fuels, fodder for the animal industry or as ingredients in processed foods.

Traditional farming methods are replaced by production based on injection of industrially manufactured products, such as pesticides and synthetic fertilizers. The goal of agriculture today is to produce as much, as quickly, and as cheaply as possible - without any concerns for nature, biodiversity or local food security.

The use of synthetic fertilizers deteriorates the organic matter in the soil, destroying its fertility. As a result farmers and peasants become increasingly dependent on fertilizers. The ongoing Climate Crises affects us all.

It is time to stand together and raise our voices against the destructors of our planet.

We invite you to join our struggle by:

... sharing the campaign and spreading the word.
... joining our camp and/or the action in September 2019.
... funding us. Right here, right now.

Together we will stop the production of synthetic fertilizers and show that another world is possible.



~ In our action we are in solidarity with those affected by the social and ecological destruction caused by the industrial agricultural system. Alternatives to industrial agriculture are already practiced and lived by strong peasant movements all over the world. We stand in solidarity with the peasants, small scale farmers and movements bringing forward sustainable solutions. ~

For more information visit our website: https://freethesoil.org/


In order to estimate the costs for camp and action we oriented ourselves by the budget of „Code Rood“, a mass action against the gas industry in the Netherlands wich took place in 2018. After the end of this crowdfunding we will communicate the results and next steps on different media channels and our newsletter. The money will of course not be used by any other means than making this camp and action happen successfully.

102% of €7500

€ 7676 reached in total

SUCCESS 🔥 on 7/21/2019

Choose the amount and method of payment

A credit card donation will only be transferred if the campaign reaches the goal in time.

With Ether donations, all donations are instant and refunds are not currently possible.