Support Nordic

Ende Gelände

Mobilization tour

Support nordic

Ende Gelände mobilization

Klima Aktion DK is organizing transportation

to European civil disobedient climate defense

– Help us send more activists to this years Ende Gelände action!

109% of €2000

€ 2183 reached in total

-2349 days left

About us

Klima Aktion DK is a loosely organized group of grassroots climate activists. We organize trips to international protests, share news on climate activism and host info events.

Further info

Read more about the actions at:

Info about the busses at:

Your money gets activists to the front line!

We ask for help to get Nordic activists to the massive anti-coal demo at the end of October!

Who are we? Klima Aktion DK, a group of Grassroots activists from Sweden and Denmark, travelling down to the Ende Gelande mass civil disobedience – a great place to engage more people in the justice movement.
We have no leaders, we act together.

Why Ende Gelande? Ende Gelande have successfully organised resistance against coal for a few years. Thousands of people have taken part in these huge acts of disruption against the coal industry, the area of protest is the biggest source of CO2 in Europe. This year is especially important due to the heroic resistance of the Hambach forest occupations and the heavy police repression. We hope to make the resistance bigger than ever!

How is the money spent?

We would like to hire a bigger bus, and potentially even more busses, so we can take more activists with us. All the activists will help pay, but we need a little more to get us over the line.

Could you help more activists join the defiance against
business as usual?  

109% of €2000

€ 2183 reached in total

-2349 days left

Choose the amount and method of payment

A credit card donation will only be transferred if the campaign reaches the goal in time.