Who we are?
A group of us, organizers in Copenhagen (Denmark) and Malmö (Sweden) are planning a four-day Cutie.BPoC festival by and for QTIBPOC (Queer_Trans*_Inter*_Black_and_People_of_Color) between July 21st and 24th 2017.
This is a groundbreaking focused event that has not previously occurred in Scandinavia in this form but is building on the work of connected coalition projects that focus on self-organizing platforms for marginalized groups.

As QTIBPOC, we often experience that certain aspects of our identities are separated. Within Queer spaces only our Queerness is in focus, in a way that erases our BPoC experiences.
The same happens in BPoC communities, where our Queerness is not always acknowledged. Therefore, this dedicated space is so important. We hope to create a space where our complex identities can flourish through community building.
We wish to strengthen the growing QTIBPoC communities around Europe (and outside it) by coming together, sharing resources and creating a space for people to address issues that affect us and our communities.
We will be offering workshops, screenings, performances, discussions, parties, food and spaces to just hang out. But to accomplish all of this we need some extra financial support.
We see our community as extremely necessary in a time of rising fascism, when the exploitation of workers is increasingly racialized, when racism seems to be default, when hetero- and cissexism plague many of our community members on a daily basis, when borders are closing and the EU is increasingly keeping our friends, families and loved ones out and when the intersection of different oppressions sometimes makes building a community the only survival strategy available.
To make this festival possible we need funding for:
- Promotional material
- Location fees
- Accomodation
- Material costs for workshops
- Transport
- Technical equipment fees
- Food
175% of €1000
€ 1750 reached in total
-2808 days left