Ungdomshuset needs your help!
With the global spread of COVID19, Ungdomshuset in Copenhagen have been forced to shut down all planned events for the foreseeable future. We have done this in order to help protect those of our friends and comrades who are most at risk from the ravages of the virus.

Unfortunately, this also means that we will be unable to generate funds for running the house while the quarantine lasts, as we rely on donations in the door and the purchases made by attendees to cover the operating costs of our house and the events we run, an example being the Black Cross Fest, which we had to cancel with less than two days warning, leaving activists and bands with uncovered expenses, leaving us in a dire situation financially.
Among numerous other initiatives, plans and hustles, we are reaching out to you, our friends and comrades, to help ensure the survival of Ungdomshuset as an autonomous free space, and as a central hub for countercultural opposition to the Capitalist mainstream in Copenhagen.

We ask you, our friends out in the world!
While we are well aware that many people and spaces will be struggling through these times, we ask you for your support, so that we can help others and continue to be a place for people to gather, play music, talk politics, meet new comrades and create local and global strength to fight our connected struggles.
We invite you all!
We hope that we can invite you all back to Ungdomshuset in the future and celebrate how strong our movements and communities are together!
150% of €2500
€ 3759 reached in total
-1772 days left