Support the fight

for children's

rights in


Aktivister fra ‘udrejsecenter’ Sjælsmark rejser sig!
I samarbejde med andre aktivistiske netværk
inviterer de til demonstrationer i kampen for
bedre vilkår for Sjælsmarks børn og unge.

Activists from "deportation center" Sjælsmark are rising up!
In cooperation with other activist networks
they invite to demonstrations in the struggle for
better conditions for the children and youth of Sjælsmark.

140% of €2000

€ 2805 reached in total

-2279 days left

Om projektet

Vi er en samling af aktivister fra Sjælsmark, The Bridge Radio, Freedom of Movements, Marronage, Trampoline House, Copenhagen Refugee Community og Welcome To Denmark.

About the project

We are a gathering of activists from Sjælsmark, The Bridge Radio, Freedom of Movements, Marronage, Trampoline House, Copenhagen Refugee Community and Welcome To Denmark.

Mere info

Du kan finde vores demonstrationer på facebook eller

More info

You can find our demonstrations on facebook or

The Bridge Radio:

Freedom of Movements:


Welcome to Denmark:


Sjælsmark's børn

The children of Sjælsmark

Støt aktivisterne fra Sjælsmark i deres kamp for rettigheder og mere tålelige livsvilkår!

Support the activists living in deportation camp Sjælsmark, in their fight for rights and tolerable living conditions!

Her er de officielle krav udarbejdet af beboerne:

  • Luk Sjælsmark!
  • Adgang til dansk folkeskole/vuggestue/børnehave!
  • Ændring af madordningen!
  • Adgang til delekøkkener, hvor der kan laves mad!
  • Bedre adgang til sundhedssystemet!
  • Genåbning af sager efter maksimum 12 måneder!
  • Tilladelse til at arbejde/komme i praktik/uddannelse!
  • At få kontante ydelser tilbage!
  • Tøj oftere end hver sjette måned!
  • Hvor lang tid skal vi være i Sjælsmark?

Regeringens ambitioner om at lave “motivationsfremmende” foranstaltninger har resulteret i ulidelige og urimelig vilkår. Mange af beboerne fra Sjælsmark kan ikke tage hjem. De bliver tvunget til at bo i en nedlagt militærkaserne, uden mulighed for indtjentning og aktivt at kunne sørge for en bedre tilværelse.

Boligforholdene er ganske uegnet. Vinduerne er utætte, så børnene og beboerne får træk. Forældre har kun adgang til nyt tøj til deres børn hvert halve år, og de giver udtryk for, at børnene fryser. Derudover er der ikke gode muligheder for at få rent tøj på, fordi der er begrænset mulighed for at vaske tøj, der er 5-6 vaskemaskiner (som ofte er i stykker) til rådighed for omkring 200 mennesker.

Størstedelen af børn og unge har ikke adgang til skolegang. Det vil sige, at de går i folkeskole, men er overladt til den sparsomme undervisning som Røde Kors arrangerer. Det afskærer dem både fra at agere med andre børn og udvikle deres læring.

Kostforholdene i Sjælsmark er under al kritik. Dels må en beboer, der har fået én portion ikke få endnu en og dels er maden så dårlig at forældre og børn klager over mavesmerter. Børnenes sundhed og trivsel forværres pga. den uspiselige mad, som kantinen tilbyder.

Forældre må ikke tilberede frisk kost til børnene, da der ikke er køkkenfaciliteter eller køleskabe i Sjælsmark. Derudover må de ikke spise på deres værelser.

Børnene har ikke adgang til legetøj eller fjernsyn på deres værelser. Derudover er der ikke adgang til støvsugere, så børnene må lege i beskidte rum.

Vi samler ind for at kunne assistere Sjælsmarks beboere i deres protester og vigtige demonstrationer for at forbedre børnenes liv og vilkår.

Beboerne fra Sjælsmark får ingen kontante ydelser af staten. De bliver bosat i et nedlagt militærkompleks på en mark, langt fra andre byer.

Vi har brug for midler så beboerne fra Sjælsmark kan ytre sig, og vise sig i hovedstadens gader på magtens tinder foran de institutioner, som har udarbejdet den lovgivning, der rammer dem.

Pengene går til driften af manifestationer og politisk organisering; herunder mad, transport, print af løbesedler og demovogn. 15.000 kroner svarer til financieringen af to-tre manifestationer!

Listed below, are the demands from the activists living at Sjælsmark:

  • Close Sjælsmark!
  • Access to Danish schools/kindergartens/nurseries!
  • Change of food system!
  • Access to a shared kitchen where the residents can cook themselves !
  • Better health care!
  • Reopening of cases after maximum 12 months!
  • Permission to work/praktik/education!
  • Pocket money again!
  • Clothes not just every six months!
  • How long time are we going to be in Sjælsmark?

The Danish government's ambitions to create "incentive" measures, has resulted in unbearable and unreasonable conditions in the camp.
Many of the residents at Sjælsmark cannot return to their home country.
Instead they are forced to live in an abandoned military barrack, without any possibilities of gaining income and no possibilities of pursuing a better existence.

The housing situation is inappropriate. The windows are leaky, so the children and the residents live in draft. The parents only have access to new clothes for their children every six months, and they express that the children are freezing. Furthermore people have limited possibility of washing clothes, as there are only 5-6 washing machines (which are often broken) available to the whole camp.

Children and young people are not entitled to schooling.
This means, that they do not have access to Danish public schools, but are left with the scattered education provided by Red Cross. This both precludes them from social interaction with other children, as well as it blocks their own learning.

The food system at Sjælsmark is beneath criticism.
For one thing each resident is only allowed one portion of food, for another the quality of the food is so appalling, that both parents and children complain about stomach pains. The health and well-being of the children is deteriorating due to the inedible food offered in the canteen.

Moreover parents are not able to prepare fresh food for their children, as there are no kitchen facilities or refrigerators at Sjælsmark. Also, they are not allowed to eat in their own rooms.

The children do not have access to neither toys nor television in their rooms.
In addition people do not have access to vacuum cleaners, so the children have to play in unclean rooms.

We are collecting money, in order to support and assist the residents at Sjælsmark, in their important protests and demonstrations for improvement of the lives of children living at Sjælsmark.

The residents at Sjælsmark receive no financial support from the state.
They have been placed in an abandoned military complex, far away form other cities.

We need this financial support, so that the residents at Sjælsmark can voice their concerns and critiques. With this support, they can come to Copenhagen and protest in front of the very institutions that frame the legislation they suffer by.

The money goes to the operation of manifestations and political organizing, including food, transportation, printing of leaflets and trailer. 15.000 kr pays two to three manifestations!

140% of €2000

€ 2805 reached in total

-2279 days left

Choose the amount and method of payment

A credit card donation will only be transferred if the campaign reaches the goal in time.

With bitcoin donations, all donations are instant and refunds are not currently possible.