Books for Anarchist Prisoners (Indonesia)

We need your support to print anarchist books for our
imprisoned anarchist comrades that spread all over the archipelagos.

This is an initiative from four independent anarchist publishers
(Jaringan Penerbit Anarkis) in a direct cooperation with Indonesian
ABC (Palang Hitam).
Currently, there are seven anarchists being
imprisoned, ranging from months to 15 years of imprisonment.

109% of €270

€ 295 reached in total

-1012 days left


Indonesian Anarchist Publisher Network (Jaringan Penerbit Anarkis)

We are from four publishers: Diogenes Press, Public Enemy Books, Ramu Publishing, and Pustaka Catut who cooperating with Indonesian ABC (Palang Hitam). We have published more than ten titles of translated anarchist books and also from local anarchist author.

Further Info




The present day Indonesian government had already get rid—at least they think—the spectre of communism, which they usually prefer to use to demonize dissent. The mushrooming of anarchist movement in all of its tendencies in the archipelagos, notably 2018-2019, had alarmed the state and police that there's this new extremism they should worry about other than religious terrorism. Anarchism in Indonesia finally become the new spectre, the new label to repress dissent, and this leads to arbitrary arrests of anarchists. The state-police reduced the rich tradition of anarchy into a mere "anarcho-syndicalism" or as they call it "anarko", in which everytime there's a riot, or unlawful protest, anarchist were to blame, the saying "Anarko dalang dari kerusuhan" (anarchists are behind these riots).

These are list of comrades that we approach and only one that exclusively isolated by the state, in which it is difficult even ABC network to advocate for him:

1) Bima Satria Putra (Class II B Narcotics Prison Banyuasin, Palembang. Sentenced to 15 years in prison — narcotics smuggling case). Carolous Krisna Putra Pratama (Class II B Narcotics Prison Banyuasin, Palembang. Sentenced to 15 years in prison — same case).

2) Fahmi Fikri Salman (Cianjur Police Detention Center. Currently in the judicial process — Molotov cocktail throwing case). Rian Ardian (Cianjur Police Detention Center. Currently in the judicial process — same case).

3) Jon Sondang Pakpahan (Cikeas Terrorist Detention Center. Currently in judicial process — Molotov cocktail throwing case). Note: Since the absent of legal aid network and the failed effort of ABC and KONTRAMEDIA in pushing legal aid, we don't know Jon situation right now. As we have learned that Jon was isolated exclusively for a very minor violation. We know this because state sponsored academia have access to his investigation records:

4) Job Gocklas Silitonga (Class II A Youth Prison, Tangerang. 9 months in prison — fighting against student executive member). Fadli Hari Ando (Tangerang Class II A Youth Prison. Sentence 9 months in prison — same case).


In short, it is true that anarchist movement spread througout archipelagos in a decentralised manner, which makes them also an easy target of anarchist witch-hunt whenever the state-police wanted to a scapegoat or there was actual anarchist individuals or group involved in direct-action against the state and capital. In between 2011 until now there already anarchists in and out of prison, most of them—especially those who are still imprisoned—are lacking in anarchist literatures or some of them expressed the need to distribute anarchist literature in the prisons. Therefore, we as independent anarchist publishers initiate this program of distributing anarchist literatures to prison, for the comrades and also for the prison library (under the umbrella of Indonesian Anarchist Network of Publisher in cooperation with Palang Hitam (one of active Indonesian Anarchist Black Cross) need your help to reprint some of these books in order to distribute it to our comrades and prison libraries:

  1. A War That We Cannot Win (An Indonesian History of Anarchism) - Bima Satria Putra (Pustaka Catut). [Local author Indonesian anarchist history books—Bima is currently serving 15 years for possessing 15 kilogram of marijuana]

  2. Towards Me (Menuju Aku) - Reyhard Rumbayan, et al. (Public Enemy Books). [Local Author Indonesian]

  3. Fragments of Anarchist Anthropology - David Graeber (Pustaka Catut). [Indonesian Translation]

  4. Blessed is the Flame - Serafinski (Diogenes Press). [Indonesian Translation]

  5. Compulsory Schooling and Anarchist Resistance - Matt Hern, et al (Ramu Publishing). [Indonesian Translation]

We will also add two elementary anarchism pamphlets for reprint:

  1. The ABC of Anarchism - Alexander Berkman [Indonesian Translation]
  2. Anarchy: A Graphic Guide - Clifford Harper [Indonesian Translation]


You can find our accounts on Instagram and noblogs/opensource library:

  1. Instagram: @pustakacatut

  2. Instagram: @diogenes_sinope_

  3. Instagram: @publicenemybooks

  4. Instagram: @penerbitramu


Or you can find the whole campaign at:

Ps: Each of our materials that was already published already accessible in many open source libraries including

We will published 5 title of books and 2 title of elementary pamphlets, every books we plan to print it only 20 exemplars (so there will be 100 exemplars of books with 5 different titles) that will cost:

270 euro = IDR 4,128,099

IDR 4,128,099 - 2,000,000 (Raw Calculation of Production Cost) = IDR 2,128,099

IDR 2,128,099 ÷ 4 (Raw Operational Cost for each publisher: Public Enemy Books, Diogenes, Ramu, Pustaka Catut) = IDR 532,024

109% of €270

€ 295 reached in total

-1012 days left