Russia’s Oldest and Largest Class Struggle Website Needs Community's support has been known on the Russian-speaking Internet for almost 20 years. For example, in 2019, the site received 8 million unique visitors. We received and processed more than 20 thousand responses manually. When the media write about labour conflicts, they use testimonials from our website. In this way, we help workers' voices be heard. We also run groups on social networks where we talk about injustice, capitalism, and class struggle. The total number of readers of our social networks is about 34 thousand subscribers.
Thus, we, as anarchists, are always on the side of the worker, and people are aware of this. is affiliated with the working class, and we also work with independent trade unions. Previously, we also organized actions of the Solidarity Networks, in which our associates pressured employers to return unpaid wages to their workers. At the same time, we do not cooperate with employers and the police, for which our site is often attacked and banned (we are banned in Belarus and Kazakhstan, several times a year we are blocked in Russia). We often receive threats from employers, courts, and police.
Why do you need to donate? is now in dire need of technical improvement. It should work faster, be comfortable for workers. We need to have the best places in the search engines Google, Yandex. We recently made a complete redesign of the site, but this is still not enough.
Support us and help us become a better feedback site so that more workers know about anarchism. Help us continue to unite workers in the class struggle because we want to bring social justice to this world. Help us and we will strike against the power of bosses and other deceivers harder.
February 1th: Refinement of basic functionality- Website optimization (frontend and backend)
- Server optimization and service tuning
- Improving usability
- Editing design and layout
- Moving the database into a separate secure service
- Creating mirrors for the case of state's blocks
- User notification system
- Spam Complaints System
- Modification of the Telegram bot
- Geo-optimization of content for the user's city
- Improvement of user statuses
- Creation of company entities
- API-integration of information about companies
- Expansion of the feedback form
- Addition of rubrication with tags
- Bot optimization for changes
- Automatic analysis of the uniqueness of reviews
- Checking spam and automatizing analysis of bot-attacks
- Publicly available analytics by problems, regions, companies, and spheres of work
- Legal FAQ
- Functionality of automatic complaints to the Labour Office and the Prosecutor's Office

113% of €1000
€ 1134 reached in total
-1525 days left