Amorfati Space is trying to develop its space into an infoshop that actively distributes anti-authoritarian discourses.

Amorfati Space is trying to develop its space into an infoshop that actively distributes anti-authoritarian discourses.

165% of €670

€ 1109 reached in total

-830 days left

About Us

Amorfati Space is a creative space, a laboratory for those (individuals or groups) who are engaged in radical movements and counter-discourses located in the east of Priangan, West Java, Indonesia. Now Amorfati Space is trying to develop its space into an infoshop that actively distributes anti-authoritarian discourses. Amorfati Space is managed independently by activists and artists.

Our Contact

Instagram: @amorfatispace

Email: [email protected]

One of the crucial problems in the anarchist movement in Indonesia (as known as Nusantara) is the unorganized economic base that is unable to support the financial needs of the movement. Departing from this matter, Amorfati Space wants to be present as an economic base in the form of an infoshop that sells various kinds of books, merchandise, and anything else that we can sell to stimulate financial circulation from the proceeds of this funding which in the future can be used as a source of sustainable funding for the anarchist and combatant movement across Nusantara.

In addition, Amorfati Space also aspires to be a space for anyone (individually or collectively) who is involved in radical movements and countercultures to exchange insights and views, initiate discourses and plans, create agendas and events, and become a creative forum for networking with friends who are often creative in their daily life.

There are several things that Amorfati Space requires:

1. Printer (for printing zines, pamphlets, and booklets)

2. Laptop/PC (as a production tool for Amorfati Space to publish anti-authoritarian books)

3. Kitchen needs (to provide food for anarchists who visit Amorfati Space)

4. Whiteboard and writing utensils (for discussion and workshops)

5. Various kinds of Books (to meet the needs of our library and infoshop)

Based on the reason for the formation of a decentralized cycle of ideas in a small area, we chose to build this Amorfati Space in East Priangan which is a suburb of West Java, Indonesia. To build this autonomous space, a budget is needed to meet the needs of Amorfati Space as described above.

Here is a breakdown of the required budget:


1. HP Laserjet M107A Printer – (IDR 1.695.000 / 108,73 euro)

2. HP 6450b Core i5 Laptop (2nd) – (IDR 2.100.000 / 134,71 euro)

3. Aonez 12-Grid Bookshelf – (IDR 500.000 / 32,07 euro)

4. Lunar Qd Workbench (2nd) – (IDR 934.987 / 60 euro)

5. Writing Utensils – (IDR 350.000 / 22,45 euro)

6. Canon Lide 110 Scanner (2nd) – (IDR 450.000 / 28,87 euro)

7. First Aid Kit – (IDR 498.660 / 32 euro)


1. Rinnai RI 302 Stove – (IDR 289.000 / 18,54 Euro)

2. Cosmos Mini Dispenser – (IDR 121.000 / 7,76 Euro)

3. Miyako PSG 607 Rice Cooker – (IDR 153.000 / 9,81 Euro)

4. Food and Drink Ingredients – (IDR 1.360.000 / 87,24 Euro)


1. Budget for buying books (IDR 2.000.000 / 128,30 Euro)

So the total money that we needed was 670 Euro. 

We hope you guys can help us to build an autonomous space and an infoshop that we will be working on in the near future.

Love and Solidarity,

Amorfati Space.

165% of €670

€ 1109 reached in total

-830 days left