Liberté Ouvrière is asking for funding to continue being distributed mostly for free in Quebec and across the globe.
Liberté Ouvrière is a bilingual (French/English) anarcho-syndicalist journal made in Montreal, Quebec, Canada to promote the ideas and the practices of anarcho-syndicalism.
If you don’t know much about anarcho-syndicalism, the first publication is a good way to discover its basic notions. A second edition will soon come about environmental crisis!
What you are raising money for
A successful anarcho-syndicalist movement needs good journals and magazines for mass education, knowledge sharing, constructive debates, and discussions. For example, following 1938 Rudolf Rocker’s Anarcho-syndicalism: Theory and practice,
‘‘[the Spanish CNT] controls thirty-six daily papers, among them Solidaredad Obrera in Barcelona, with a circulation of 240,000, the largest of any paper in Spain, and Castilla Libre, which is the most read paper in Madrid. Besides these, the movements put out a lot of weekly publications and possesses six of the best reviews in the country.’’
Liberté Ouvrière journal’s aim is to spread anarcho-syndicalist ideas among the globe, but mostly throughout both French and English communities of Canada. Its first publication gathers no texts older than 1982 and has various countries as sources of texts (France, Switzerland, Russia, Spain, Algeria).
‘’What is anarcho-syndicalism’’ leaflets were also distributed in some of Montreal recent demos with the same aim.
Free copies of the first edition of the journal are still available for free, through postal services. Just write at the journal’s email if you want a free copy. Giving money to this journal will help ensure the continuity of this anarcho-syndicalist education project.
This fund campaign is made to allow international supporters to give what they can. Canadian supporters can send an Interac donation without fees at the journal’s email address.
Here is how much CAD money was needed to produce the first edition of Liberté Ouvrière to this day. The second edition might cost about 350$ less in software costs because the journal’s model is now produced for the future numbers.

560 € printing 150 copies (44 pages of text)
420 € software (Preparing the first model)
150 € sending 50 free copies across the globe with postal services
70 € printing 100 colored ‘’What is anarcho-syndicalism’’ leaflet for 2021 Montreal Labor day
TOTAL = 1200€ (1700CAD$)
However, the funding aim will remain only 700 €.
Further donations above this amount will simply complete the budget for the first edition and donation over 1870$ will be send in the second edition‘s budget.

The second publication is coming in 2022!
Anarcho-syndicalisme et crise environnementale
Anarcho-syndicalism and environmental crisis
Dans la deuxième parution du journal anarcho-syndicaliste Liberté ouvrière, il sera question de la crise environnementale et des perspectives anarcho-syndicalistes.
La date de tombée est mi-janvier 2022.
Écrivez-nous : [email protected]
Évidemment d’autres sujets sont les bienvenus, cependant on espère garder la thématique de l’anarcho-syndicalisme.
Le format est d’un maximum de 4-5 pages avec taille 12 SVP. Merci à l’avance de votre contribution!
In the second publication of the anarcho-syndicalist journal Liberté ouvrière, it will be question of the environmental crisis and the anarcho-syndicalist perspectives.
Deadline is mid-January 2022
You can write us: [email protected]
Of course other subjects are welcomed, however we wish to keep the anarcho-syndicalism theme.
Please try to keep your text less than 4-5 pages with 12 size. Thanks in advance for your contribution!
Liberté Ouvrière
C.P. 266 Succ. « C »
Montréal, Qc
H2L 4K1
8% of €700
€ 60 reached in total
-1182 days left